Integrity is central to All Starz. Our parents demand accountability, and we are happy to provide them with clear, honest communication.
The accountability begins at the front door, where members of the Leadership Team greet each family member. During drop-off and pick-up times, two members of the Leadership Team are present in the Welcome Area so that one can easily step away to converse with a parent.
Members of the Leadership Team also answer every phone call. We want to be connected to our families and stay “in the know” for the well-being of the children and the continued improvement of our school.
Photos and biographies of each Educator are posted outside their respective classrooms, and the photos and biographies of our Floaters are posted in the main hallway. Curriculum plans and daily schedules are also posted outside each classroom for parents’ convenience.
Daily Reports
Every day, educators complete a handwritten Daily Report for each child. Information on meals, naps, diapering and potty times, and classroom activities are included. As the children grow, the information becomes less focused on routine-care items and more focused on the developmental activities each child was exposed to that day and how they responded to those activities. Each daily report ends with an “Ask me about…” line where parents are given topics that make it easier to spark a conversation in the car ride home or at the dinner table.
Video Cameras
There are video cameras in each classroom and outdoor playground that display on monitors in the Welcome Area. New parents often stop to watch their children after dropping them off, surprised at how quickly they transition and begin playing with their friends. Parents are also given remote access to the camera feeds through a secure website, giving you peace of mind and a chance to “peek in” throughout your child’s day at school.
Milestones Journals
From their very first day at All Starz, each child has a Milestones Journal. With entries made on a weekly basis, these journals document everything. Samples of everyday activities, such as artwork or handwriting practice, are dated and added to the journal. Pictures of class projects and play time with friends are added to the mix. And developmental milestones, such as the first time an infant takes steps on his own or the first time a four-year-old zips up her jacket unassisted, are recorded moments after they happen. When a child transitions from one class to the next, the journal goes as well.
Once a month, parents have the opportunity to take their child’s journal home for the weekend. In addition to browsing through all of the new entries added by your child’s teacher, we encourage you to add entries of your own about vacations, family visits, or milestones that happen at home. Flipping through the pages of any child’s journal, it’s easy to see how much they have grown and learned!
Developmental Assessments
Three times a year, our educators conduct developmental assessments for each child. These detailed checklists cover every developmental area within our curriculum (cognitive skills, language and communication, fine and gross motor skills, social and emotional skills, and independence skills) and provide an overview of each child’s progress.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are held soon after the mid-year developmental assessments are sent to parents. These meetings provide time for uninterrupted conversation between parents and their child’s teacher. Important information regarding accomplishments and potential areas for additional help is easily shared during these discussions.
Monthly Newsletter
Each month, parents receive our school newsletter. Information such as upcoming special events, favorite recipes, friendly reminders, and monthly curriculum reviews are included. Our “Exceptional Educator” of the month is also highlighted, so parents are aware when a familiar teacher is honored.
Parent Board
As you leave the Welcome Area to make your way to your child’s classroom, you pass by a bulletin board specifically for our parents. Information such as the menu, calendar, school newsletter, and specialty program activities is posted for easy viewing. This same information is also emailed to parents at the beginning of each month, just in case you need to reference something while away from school.
Parent Survey
We welcome feedback – we can’t fix something if we don’t know it’s broken. Open, honest, and frequent communication is the best way to address concerns and find solutions that benefit everyone involved. In addition to our Leadership Team’s open-door policy, we ask parents to complete an anonymous survey twice a year. Many of our best ideas have come from these surveys.
Zach loves all of his teachers at All Starz and we are very comfortable every time we drop him off. They provide awesome feedback on how every day goes and are really good about communicating anything Zach needs. Overall, we've had a fantastic experience at All Starz, from the ownership down.
- Parents of a child in
the Infant Program