Health and Safety
The health and safety of our children is our top priority.
Safety begins at our front door, where a Personal Identification Number keypad is used to authorize entrance for parents and staff. Further, a biometric fingerprint reader is used for checking each child in and out. Members of the leadership team are always at the front desk, answering the phones and greeting every person at the front door.
There are video cameras in each classroom and outdoor playground that display on monitors in the Welcome Area. New parents often stop to watch their children after dropping them off, surprised at how quickly they transition and begin playing with their friends. Parents are also given remote access to the camera feeds through a secure website, giving you peace of mind and a chance to “peek in” throughout your child’s day at school.
Each classroom is equipped with a telephone that is wired for both internal and outgoing calls. Educators can easily call for assistance as soon as they need it, or they can call a concerned parent to provide a mid-day update.
All members of our Leadership Team are trained in the proper administration of medications and we have a specific locked cabinet for medications and medical supplies. We provide CPR (infant, child, and adult) and First Aid training for our educators and Leadership Team every two years, and we conduct refresher courses in the alternate years. All members of our Leadership Team and all educators in our Infant Program are also ITS-SIDS (Infant/Toddler Safe Sleep and SIDS Risk Reduction) certified.
If you child is ever injured at All Starz, whether it’s a little scratch or a big bump, you can expect a phone call from your child’s Teacher or a member of the Leadership Team explaining what happened, how it was treated, and if any follow-up is necessary. You will also receive a written Boo Boo Report at the end of the day, detailing the same information.
Most children will get a little cough or cold sometime during their first six months in a social setting like preschool – this is perfectly normal and, in fact, perfectly healthy. It’s a sign that their immune systems are adapting to the new environment. A quick wipe with a tissue and some hand washing is all that’s needed. More serious illnesses require a bit more care. If your child ever becomes ill while at school, you can expect a phone call from a member of the Leadership Team immediately. If the illness is severe enough that your child should go home, he can wait in our “Hugs and Kisses Chair,” snuggling with his favorite lovey or blanket until you arrive. It’s the little comforts that make being sick not so bad after all.
Food allergies are a major concern for many All Starz families, so we take them very seriously. We are a nut-free facility, from the food we prepare in our kitchen to the birthday treats shared in the classrooms. If your child has a severe dairy, gluten, or soy allergy, a member of our Leadership Team will discuss menu options with you. All educators and members of the Leadership Team are also trained in the use of EpiPen injectors.
Safety is a clear priority with cameras available throughout the facilities, electronic and in-person monitoring of entry ways, and appropriate guidelines for children and parents.
- Parent of a child in the Junior Program

“I am the owner of Emergency Educational Training, a health and safety training and consulting company that has been serving the staff training needs for All Starz Children’s Academy for the past six years. The first time I met Joe to arrange our first CPR and First Aid training I was extremely impressed with how focused he was on child safety and all the questions he asked on how to improve on an already impressive Emergency Action Plan they had in place. Joe took the time to give me a tour of every inch of the facility so I would have a better understanding of the children’s environment. At the training sessions, which are held at the end of a work day, I have always found his staff to be alert, extremely interactive with the instructors and ask very pertinent questions. They take the skills sessions VERY seriously and there is no joking around on their part. I was never once asked the question all instructors hate hearing from staff, “How long will this take?” They all seem to take ownership of their responsibilities regarding child safety. Although All Starz Children’s Academy only needs our services once every two years for training I hear from Joe numerous times throughout the year as he is always looking for ways to improve safety for the kids at the facility. As a retired paramedic I have responded to hundreds of pediatric emergencies during my career at schools and daycare centers and can honestly say few operate at the level of preparedness for child safety that I see at All Starz Children’s Academy.”
- Charles, our CPR and First Aid Training Instructor