Our goal at All Starz is to provide a balanced early childhood learning environment.
In creating our school-wide curriculum, we brought together the best components of the Creative Curriculum and Emergent Curriculum. The Creative Curriculum is content-rich, utilizes developmentally appropriate programs, promotes active learning, and honors creativity. The Emergent Curriculum allows children to use their background knowledge to enhance each theme and provides the flexibility to adjust activities based on the children’s needs and interests and the teachers’ passions.
Our curriculum provides a stimulating and challenging play-based environment where every child can choose between many “learning centers.” When given a chance to explore a rich environment, children develop self-confidence and an enthusiasm for learning. We also incorporate a sports and movement program, Spanish, computers, cooking, science, soccer, sign language, and SMART Boards into the curriculum.
Within each age group, we differentiate the curriculum based on children’s learning levels and incorporate both child-initiated and teacher-directed learning opportunities.
Learning is a priority while simultaneously allowing the children to enjoy every minute of these precious days. Our daughter routinely surprises us with knowledge of things I didn't think she would know or understand for years to come.
- Parent of a child in the Junior Program