Specialty Programs
We know how hard it is to juggle the many demands of our families and jobs. We also know that you want to expose your child to as many different activities and opportunities as possible. For that reason, your child’s tuition includes these specialty programs:
Every Program incorporates daily music and movement activities as a part of their curriculum. Our Freshmen and Sophomores are also introduced to our Music Program. During this weekly session with our Music Teacher, the children sing songs, practice finger plays, experiment playing different instruments (drums, cymbals, shakers, xylophones, etc.), and explore music and instruments from different cultures.
Science and Cooking
Starting in the Freshman Program, early science concepts such as sand and water play are introduced as a part of the curriculum. Our Sophomore through Senior Programs build on these basic concepts by incorporating a weekly cooking project or science experiment. The cooking projects provide opportunities for the children to help measure, mix and prepare tasty treats, while the science experiments provide opportunities to learn how the world works (i.e. what happens when you drop a roll of Mentos mints into a two-liter bottle of Diet Coke?). Children in the Senior Program utilize a Science Journal to practice recording their predictions and observations.
Sports and Movement
Beginning with the Young Freshmen class, sports and movement activities are introduced outdoors on the playgrounds and during visits to the indoor gym. Every day, the children enhance their level of physical activity while working on movement skills that can vary from locomotive skills (running, skipping, jumping, and climbing) to manipulative skills (throwing and catching). In the process, the children also explore related concepts such as directions and shapes.
In addition to these daily activities, children in our older Sophomore classes through the Senior Program are introduced to our Sports and Movement Program. During this weekly session with our Coach, the children learn about new sports and practice the basic skills necessary to play each particular sport. Over the course of the school year, our Sports and Movement Program exposes the children to a wide range of sports and activities and helps build coordination, self-esteem, and a life-long love of sports and fitness. Our goal is to reinforce good sportsmanship and help the children see physical activity as a natural part of their lives.
Our Juniors and Seniors also participate in biweekly "Competition Days." Each week poses a new and exciting challenge, such as an obstacle course, a balance-the-egg-on-the-spoon race, or even a friendly game of soccer. Teamwork between classrooms and between individual students is fostered as they work together to accomplish the day's physical activity. An atmosphere teeming with comraderie is achieved as they work toward their joint goal.
As a part of their verbal development, children in the Freshman Program are introduced to basic Spanish words. As they learn colors, animals, and body parts, the children are exposed to the English and Spanish words for each item.
Our Sophomores through Seniors build on this vocabulary as they participate in our Spanish Program. During weekly emergent language sessions with our Spanish Teacher, the children practice words and phrases, play games and sing songs, and explore different cultures and countries that speak Spanish. Before long the “niños” are able to respond to their “maestra” in “español!”
As previously stated, sports and movement activities are introduced with the Young Freshmen class. During their daily visits to the outdoor playgrounds and indoor gym, the children enhance their level of physical activity while working on movement skills. Children in the older Sophomore classes also begin to participate in our Sports and Movement Program, providing exposure to a new sport each week. In addition to these exciting activities, our Seniors participate in a Soccer Program. During these weekly sessions with our Soccer Coach, the children practice basic soccer skills while improving their motor skills, coordination, and understanding of teamwork.
Programs like learning Spanish and fitness programs like JumpBunch are included in the tuition so it isn't an isolating activity for your child with or without his/her friends (and an extra expense for the parents).
- Parent of children in the Young Freshmen and Junior Programs and a recent graduate