Young Freshmen
Approximately 12 to 16 months old
Moving from an infant program to a toddler program can be very challenging for young children. Our Young Freshmen room provides the perfect environment for this transition. As young toddlers are learning to walk and gaining independent feeding skills, this room offers the extra space and time they need.
The children in our Young Freshmen room are transitioning. They are going from sleeping in cribs to resting on cots, from eating baby food in a high chair to eating finger foods at a table, from drinking with a bottle to sipping from a sippy cup. This room and the educators in it provide a safe and nurturing space for young toddlers to become confident in these new skills.
In the Young Freshmen room, there is also more structure to the daily schedule than in the Infant Program. In the infant rooms, children eat, sleep and play on their own schedules. In the Young Freshmen room, there is a routine and schedule that allows for mealtimes, naptime, circle time, outdoor play, art activities, and trips to the indoor gym.
The Young Freshmen class introduces the concept of developmentally appropriate “learning centers,” such as blocks, dramatic play, books, music and movement, and manipulatives. This fun and safe environment is conducive to the one-year-old’s desire to discover, explore, and test each new toy. And since sharing is difficult at this age, there are always duplicates of their favorite toys.
The Young Freshman to Teacher ratio remains at 4:1, just as in our Infant Program, allowing these young toddlers the opportunity for closely supervised independence. The children in the Young Freshmen room are all about exploring their environment and are so proud of themselves as they accomplish each new task!
Cognitive activities include:
Learning body parts
Identifying animals and making their sounds
Learning to predict “what comes next”
Language activities include:
Shaking head for “no” and nodding for “yes,” maybe starting to use the words
Increasing proficiency with sign language, potentially transitioning to spoken words
Signing or saying “please” and “thank you” at appropriate times
Fine motor activities include:
Learning to feed themselves
Turning the pages of a book
Holding a crayon, marker or paintbrush
Gross motor activities include:
Throwing balls
Playing with a parachute
Social and emotional activities include:
Participating in a short circle time with stories, puppets, songs, and flashcards
Learning to use “gentle hands”
Identifying friends and greeting each other
Independence activities include:
Helping to clean up toys before naptime
Retrieving their blanket from their cubby for naptime
Retrieving their jacket or hat from their cubby for outdoor play
We look forward to helping your young toddler develop into an adventurous toddler.
Our son has been at All Starz since he was 3 months old. Now that he is a toddler, we love being surprised by things that he has learned at school, such as sign language, body parts and animal noises. I would highly recommend All Starz to anyone looking for a high quality daycare center.
- Parent of a child in the Freshman Program